jurs - Before I left the JWs my biggest pet peeve would have been very similar to yours - I remember time and time again going to the khall and not having one single person greet me, it was so strange, so 'clicky'. They claim to have love amongst themselves, it is supposed to be an identifying mark of the true religion but I would totally disagree with that. I used to walk in, sit down, listen, get up, circulate, smile at people, walk out again. That was when I went on my own..... now, when I was with my husband... what a different story, what an effort they would make then. Never could understand that, even to this day. Was it because I was a mere woman?? Sometimes I would have all 3 kids with me, a struggle in itself.. then more often than not, one or two of them would fall asleep causing difficulties when it was time to go home. Offers of lifts? Very infrequently, and then only done grudgingly, always made to feel as though I was being an inconvenience.
Now that I have left my pet peeve has changed - now I get angry when I think about how prejudiced they are against other religions, they are so intolerant, always convinced they are right and everyone else is so wrong. What arrogance! I am so glad that I am out of it all and am free to make my own decisions about things such as homosexuality and festivals and blood etc. Nice to be able to have my opinions at last without having to feel as though I have to fit in with how they think. How refreshing!!